AgioGlobal selecciona a dos operarios de hormigones para trabajar en Bélgica. Sus funciones principales serán las siguientes: - Puesta en obra del hormigón (tanto en casas de particulares como suelos industriales) - Conducir y manejar camiones ho
AgioGlobal selecciona un operario/a de autobomba de elevación de hormigón para trabajar en Bélgica. Las principales funciones del puesto son: - Inyectar hormigón (principalmente en edificios grandes) - Operar con autobomba de hormigón elevadora
AgioGlobal selecciona albañiles para trabajar en Bélgica. Funciones: - Leer planos técnicos - Establecer perfiles estándar de acuerdo a planos técnicos - Preparar el lugar de trabajo y el hormigón - Llevar a cabo todo el proceso
AgioGlobal selecciona un/a pavimentador para trabajar en Bélgica. Funciones principales: - Preparar el terreno antes de colocar las piedras de pavimento. - Colocar distintos tipos de piedras de pavimento, como: adoquinado, piedra azule, granito, pie
-Manipular y deshuesar carne de cerdo y vaca
Polishers end of line • Polishing is the process where a surface from material is made smooth and shiny, whereby it will get a strong reflective effect. • The polishing process begin with rough sanding, after that you do it more times with every
Polishers end of line • Polishing is the process where a surface from material is made smooth and shiny, whereby it will get a strong reflective effect. • The polishing process begin with rough sanding, after that you do it more times with every
Polishers end of line • Polishing is the process where a surface from material is made smooth and shiny, whereby it will get a strong reflective effect. • The polishing process begin with rough sanding, after that you do it more times with every
Polishers end of line • Polishing is the process where a surface from material is made smooth and shiny, whereby it will get a strong reflective effect. • The polishing process begin with rough sanding, after that you do it more times with every
Polishers end of line • Polishing is the process where a surface from material is made smooth and shiny, whereby it will get a strong reflective effect. • The polishing process begin with rough sanding, after that you do it more times with every
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