We are currently in process of selection of Kitchen and Restaurant staff for a Group of Resorts and days spas located in Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Leicestershire, Hampshire and Kent. These professional will be responsible for ensuring all food is
We are currently in process of selection of Kitchen and Restaurant staff for a Group of Resorts and days spas located in Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Leicestershire, Hampshire and Kent. These professional will be responsible for ensuring all food is
Oferim un lloc de feina estable per algú a qui li interessi portar la cuina d'un restaurant on podrà elaborar diferents plats tradicionals tant procedents del país Vasc, com catalans. Es indispensable que sigui algú amb capacitat per portar una
Per a restaurant de la comarca del Bages, ubicat a Sallent, es requereix un cuiner/a amb experiència. Haurà de realitzar tant cuina a la brasa, tapes, com menús. Es requereix: -Disponibilitat horària. -Imprescindible disposar de vehicle propi
We are currently in process of selection of Kitchen and Restaurant staff for a Group of Resorts and days spas located in Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Leicestershire, Hampshire and Kent. These professional will be responsible for ensuring all food is
Per a restaurant dedicat a la realització d'actes diversos, bodes i banquets. Es requereix una ajudant de cuina amb experiència. Es requereix: -Disponibilitat horària. -Imprescindible disposar de vehicle propi S'ofereix: -Jornada completa -Po
Cocina Empresas: Platja Ca la Nuri Busquem ajudant de cuina amb pasió per l'ofici i amb facilitat per treballar sota pressió. Som un restaurant amb més de 50 anys fent cuina marinera i arrossaire a la platja de la Barceloneta de Ba
Cocina Empresas: La Fresca Sabadell Busquem una persona que faci la funció d'ajudant de cuina, en horari continuat aprox 9-17h. Les tasques serien recolzar al cap de cuina en l'elaboracio del menú del migdia, ajudar a l'equip de Sal
Are you an Office manager? Do you like to work in large offices and do you like to be responsible for a large team? If you have a Full professional level of English and Spanish and you have previous experience as an Office manager, this could be grea
Are you an Office manager? Do you like to work in large offices and do you like to be responsible for a large team? If you have a Full professional level of English and Spanish and you have previous experience as an Office manager, this could be grea
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